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Calcined Kaolin

  • Calcined Kaolin
Calcined Kaolin
  • 商品详情

Calcined kaolin, as one of the best extenders for titanium dioxide, is mainly used to extend titanium dioxide 

in the system to ensure the full dispersion of titanium dioxide in the system and maximize the covering ability 

of titanium dioxide. Meanwhile, kaolin itself can also provide a certain degree of dry covering power. 

Its particle size is generally fine as 4000 mesh.

Calcined Kaolin
AppearanceHighly micronized powder
GE Brightness (%)≥95.0
ISO Brightness (%)≥93.5
Particle Size (less than 2µm)80±2
pH value (28% suspension)5.0-7.0
Specify Gravity (g/cm3)2.63
Free Moisture (105°C)(%)1.0 max
Screen residues (325 mesh%)0.01 max.
Dispersion (Hegman)≥3.5
